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October 25th - 27th, 2013
The 11th Annual Koyo Camp

Sponsored by CJKF in Newmarket, Ontario. Featuring world-class instruction by:


  • Master Masahiko Tanaka, JKA HQ Vice Chief Instructor, 8th Dan

  • Sensei Minoru Saeki, CJFK Chief Instructor, 7th Dan

  • Dick Powell, 6th Dan

  • Eddy Leung, 6th Dan

  • Brad Jones, 6th Dan


Instructors' program and Power seminar, registration ends August 31, 2013

Regular seminar, registration ends September 30, 2013

Click here for registration package.

August 5th, 2013 - Civic Holiday

No class on Monday, August 5th.

June 24th, 2013 - Stripe/Belt Test

With Sensei approval, members can either test for their their next belt level or stripe level. Belt test includes Kihon (basics), Kumite (sparring) and Kata (form/pattern). Stripe test excludes Kata. Please see Sensei for testing requirements.


May 26th, 2013 - 2013 CJKF Ontario Provincial Karate Championships

We are excited to announce that our team of 9 came back from the tournament with 4 medals -  1 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze. Click here for full results.

​​Canada JKA Karate Federation Provincial Karate Championships to be held on Sunday May 26th, 2013 from 9:00am – 5:00pm.


March Break 2013

​​Classes are running during March Break to allow members to continue their training.


January 3rd & 7th, 2013 - Open House
Free Lessons

On Thursday, January 3rd and Monday, January 7th, we are offering free lessons during our regular class times and special open house pricing for new members.


Markham JKA New Location Opens - Thursday, January 3rd, 2013 @ 6pm.

We are pleased to announce the opening of a new location at 214 Main Street, Markham.

National Youth JKA Tournament November 17th, 2012 in Smith Falls

This national level tournament is open to ages 5 to 17. Please talk to Sensei if you are interested in attending. Details

Stripe Test Sunday November 4th, 2012

Click for test results. The stripe test requirements included Kumite/fighting and Basics but no Kata. Test Requirements

Rockwood Karate Camp Oct 19 to 21, 2012 in Burlington

This is a 3 days camp with Sensei Wilfred Seeratten, godan and Sensei Eddie Leung, rokudan. Classes are Friday 6:30pm, Saturday 9:30am/2:30pm/4:30pm and Sunday 9:30am/2:30pm. Please talk to Sensei if you are interested in attending. Location

Junior Tournament Oct 21st, 2012  9:30-4 in Alliston

Tournament will be held on Sunday, October 21 at the TNT School of Martial Arts. The address is 169 Dufferin St. S. Alliston, On (near Highway 89 and Dufferin). Please talk to Sensei if you are interested in attending.Details.

Fall Schedule Change, 2012

Sunday schedule has changed. The Age 5 to 9 class will occur from 10 to 11am in the fitness studio. The Age 10 to 12 class will occur from 11 am to noon in the fitness studio. The Youth/Adult all belt class will occur from noon to 1pm in the gym. fall schedule.

Back to School break - September 3rd to 23rd, 2012

All registered programs at the YMCA are on break from September 3rd to the 23rd. This is longer than usual due to some planned renovations. The first karate classes of the fall session will be Tuesday, September 24th. We will return to the fall schedule.


10th Annual Koyo Summer Camp - August 16th to 19th, 2012

Featuring TANAKA SENSEI  from JKA Headquarters assisted by NEMOTO SENSEI to be held at  ALGONQUIN COLLEGE, OTTAWA ONT. Click for registration. Click for details. Highly recommended for purple belts and above.

Summer Break - June18 to July 2nd, 2012

All YMCA register programs are on break. The last karate class will be Sunday, June 17th. The 1st class of the summer session will be Tuesday, July 2nd.


Belt / Kyu Test - Sunday, June 17th 2012

Click for test results. Click for test requirements.

JKA Ontario Provincial Tournament - May 27th, 2012, 9am-5pm

Sensei would like all MarkhamJKA members to participate in the upcoming tournament (ie. near Ellesmere and Victoria Park). Click for tournament rules, location and times. Sensei must receive your registration , fees and signed waiver by Thursday April 26th.


Saeki Sensei Seminar and Dan Exam - Saturday May 26th, 2012

Click for details. People ready for the 1st Kyu exam would also take this test. These seminars are highly recommended for purple belts and above.

Stripe Test Results- Sunday April 15

Click for test results.


Spring Break 2012- Thursday February 23rd

The last class of the fall session is Sunday, March 11th. The first class after the break is Tuesday, March 20th. All YMCA registered programs including karate are on break during this period.

CJKF Membership, 2012

All Markham JKA members must join the CJKF to participate in belt/Kyu testing. Click for 2012 membership CJKF numbers for those who have registered already.


Megathon Fundraiser - Thursday February 23rd, 2012

There were 60 karate member who participated in the "Circle of Budo" which raised $1000 for children's programs in the YMCA. Thank you to the participants and sponsors for making this a big success. Overall the Megathon raised $38,000.


Kyu Exam - Sunday January 29th, 2012

Click for exam results.

Holiday Break, 2011

The last class of the fall session is Thursday, December 22nd. The first class of the Winter session is Tuesday, January 10th. All YMCA registered programs including karate are on break during this period.


Stripe Test - Sunday, November 13th, 2011

Click for test results.

Fall 2011, Program expands to Tuesday evening

Karate Classes are now available on Tuesday evening, Thursday evening and Sunday morning. There are also classes available for children from 5 to 8 years of age. Please check the  schedule .


Fall Session  2011 Begins - September 8th

We will return to the regular schedule effective immediately (Note: Thursday's beginner class will be 30 minutes for approximately two weeks and then return to 1 hour.) For the near term, all classes will be in the new Fitness Studio.

The following is an announcement from YMCA:

"We are pleased to announce that we will be expanding the Karate Program. Over the coming weeks we will be taking care of the logistics to expand the program to include more days/times, more age groups and thus….more participants!

Due to the leadership of Sensei Tom and his group of volunteers, we will be working together closely to develop the program to also include a leadership aspect whereby participants, as YMCA volunteers, will contribute back to the program.

It is our hope to find a permanent home very soon for the expansion of this program.

Fall Break  2011

Due to renovations, the August 18th and 25th classes are cancelled. Stay tuned for the fall start schedule in September.


Summer Break - June 24th to July 6, 2011

All YMCA registered programs including karate are on break. The last karate class before the break is Thursday, June 23rd. The first class after the break  will be on Thursday, July 7th. Classes for the Summer session are on Thursdays only. Click for class times. Sunday classes will resume in the fall.

Kyu Exam  - Sunday June 19th, 2011

Click for test results


Kids class is cancelled on Sunday June 5th, 2011

The kids class is cancelled due to "Healthy Kids Day" as part of a YMCA Canada annual event.

JKA Ontario Provincial Tournament - May 29th, 2011, 9am-5pm

Markham JKA did very well with 18 people participating. We received 13 medals including 3 Gold, 4 silver and 6 bronze. Click for complete results.  There were over 250 participants from Toronto, New Market, Caledon, London, Ottawa, Scarborough and Markham. Tournament rules and details can be found in the 2011 Ontario Provincial Tournament Document


Saeki Sensei Seminar and Dan Exam - Sunday May 28th, 2011

Click for details. People ready for the 1st Kyu exam would also take this test.

Stripe Test - Sunday April 17

Click for test results.


CJKF Japan Relief

On behalf of the CJKF, the World Class Karate dojo has taken the initiative to start a drive to provide monetary assistance towards the Japan earthquake and tsunami disaster that has occured recently. Click for details.

Spring Break - March 17 and 20, 2011

All YMCA registered programs including karate are on break from March 14 through 20th. The last class before the break is Sunday March 13h. The first class after the break  will be on Thursday, March 24th.


XMAS Break - December 19th 2010

All YMCA registered programs including karate are on break. The last class for the fall session is December 19th. The first class of the new year will be on Thursday, January 6th.


Belt Test - December 19th 2010

Click for test results. Click for test requirements.

Stripe Test - November 14th, 2010

Click for test results.


Saeki Seminar at Markham JKA - November 6th, 2010, 4- 5:30pm

Markham JKA were honoured to host another Saeki Seminar. Click to view the pictures. Sensei Saeki is a 7th Dan and chief instructor for the Canada JKA Karate Federation (CJKF). Click for seminar details.

Shotokan Karate Junior Shiai Tournament - Saturday Oct 23, 2010

Thanks to Sensei Josh and the TNT School of Martial Arts for a great tournament. Ryan, Kristine, Jessica and Kajoke from Markham JKA attended. The girl's team received a bronze for team kata. In the individual divisions, the group were awarded 3 gold and 3 bronze medals. Congratulations to all participants. Click for picture of participants.  Click for tournament details.


Shiina Seminar - October 19th - 20th, 2010, Mississauga

Sensei Shiina is an leading instructor (bio) from JKA headquarter. This is an excellent opportunity to learn from the best in the GTA. Click for details.

September YMCA  Break 2010 - Sept 7th to Sept 18th

All YMCA registered programs including karate are on break from September 7th to 18th. The last class of the summer session is September 2nd. The Fall session starts on Sunday September 19th.  Karate  returns to the Fall/Winter Schedule of Thursday evening and Sunday morning.

Sept 10, 2010 - Sensei Saeki Seminar

Sensei conducted a great seminar at Scarborough JKA (ie. Sensei Roy's dojo). Click for pictures.


Special Custom Mouth Guard Offer - July 6th to August 20th, 2010

Dr. Brown is offering a half price ($30) offer on custom mouth guards.  The office is on HWY 7 near McCowan. Mouth guards are highly recommended for free sparring. Click for details.

June YMCA break 2010

All registered programs including karate are on break from June 20th to July 3rd. The  last karate class of the Spring session is June 17th. The first class of the Summer Session is Thursday, July 7th. There are no Sunday classes in the Summer session. Sunday classes will restart on September 19th.


June 13th, 2010: Belt Test

Click for test results.

JKA Ontario Provincial Tournament - May 30th, 2010

The tournament was at St Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, 25 Corporate Dr., Brampton. Click for details. Markham JKA had 15  participants this years and received 10 medals (5 Gold, 2 silver, 3 bronze ). Click for the full tournament results. Click for details of upcoming  Canada JKA events.


April 21 to 24, 2010: Sensei Imura Seminars, 7th DAN from JKA Headquarters in Japan

Sensei Imura (bio) will be providing some excellent seminars around the GTA area. This is an excellent opportunity to learn from one of the best. Click for schedule. Click for more details and other Canada JKA coming events.

April 11th, 2010: Stripe Test

Click for test results.


Spring YMCA break 2010

All registered programs including karate are on break from March 15th to March 21st. The  karate classes scheduled for March 18th and 21st are cancelled as a result.

XMAS YMCA break, 2009

All registered programs including karate are on break from December 21st to January 3rd. The next karate class is Thursday January 7th.


December 20th, 2009: Belt Test

Another excellent effort by everyone.  Click  for the test results.

November 8th, 2009: Stripe Test

Thank you all for doing your best. Click  for the test results.


November 7th, 2009: Sensei Saeki Seminar

It was an honour for Markham JKA to  host this informative Seminar with Sensei Saeki. Sensei Saeki is a 7th Dan and chief instructor for the Canada JKA Karate Federation (CJKF).

Halloween Oct 31, 2009

Sensei Tom's band called "phusion" played Colonel Mustards in Markham. Check out a previous  Video.


September 2009 YMCA break

All registered programs including karate are taking a break from August 28th to September 13th. The next karate class is on Thursday, September 17th.  We will return to the regular class schedule with both Thursday and Sunday classes.

June 2009 YMCA break

All registered programs including karate are taking a break from June 15th to 30th. The next karate class is on Thursday, July 2. There are no Sunday classes through the Summer. We will return to the regular class schedule in September.


Kyu Belt Exam - June 14th, 2009

Click here for test results.

JKA Provincial Tournament - May 24th, 2009

The Markham JKA team of 12 participants did very well with 4 Gold, 4 Silver and 6 Bronze medals. Click for the official results. At the tournament in Brampton, there were over 200 participants from Toronto, New Market, Caledon, Kitchener, London, Ottawa and Markham. Click for details of the rules, location and registration. Check this page later for pictures of the tournament.


Sensei Saeki Seminar - May 23rd, 2009

At the Peel JKA in Mississauga. Click for details.

Stripe Test Results- April 19th, 2009

Click here for test results.


Holiday Break 2008

The YMCA registered programs are on break during the last 2 weeks of December. The last  karate class of the fall session is Thursday, December 18th. The first class of the winter session is Thursday January 8th.

Kyu Test Results - December 14th, 2008

Click here for test results.


Qualification Tournament - November 30th, 2008

On 30th November 2008, both JKA groups in Canada got together for a qualification tournament to select the team to represent Canada at the 2009 Gichin Funakoshi Cup in Japan. This event will be held from the 18th to 20th of September, 2009. Each country is allowed 4 entries in the individual divisions for kumite and kata. Congratulations and best wishes go out to the competitors that have qualified. Click here for tournament results.

Sensei Saeki Seminar - November 29th, 2008

Click here for the details.


Stripe Test Results - Nov 2nd, 2008

Click for test results. Everyone needs to work on stronger stances, kamae (focus) and hiki te (pulling hand) to be ready for the kyu test on December 14th. Testers whose names do not appear on the results list should come and talk to Sensei.

Special Sensei Nemoto Seminar - October 4th and 5th, 2008

Sensei Nemoto is a 4th Dan JKA instructor at the headquarters in Japan. He toured Canada to share the JKA expertise throughout the  GTA. This was an excellent opportunity to learn first hand the techniques from Japan. Many from the Markham JKA attended.


Back to School Break 2008

The YMCA registered programs are on break during the first 2 weeks of September. The last  karate class of the summer session is Thursday, August 28th. The first class of the fall session is Thursday September 18th.  Click here for the fall schedule. The Sunday September 21st class is cancelled due to the instructors attending the Ottawa Koyo Camp.


Ottawa Koyo Camp - Sept 17 to 21, 2008

Summer camp will be held in Ottawa. Click here for registration forms. Sensei encourages all students to attend this camp.

CJKF Provincial Tournament  - May 2 , 2008

Click for  tournament results. Markham JKA participants received 15 medals.

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